Sunday, 2 November 2014

Welcome back to Term 2

I hope you have all had a lovely holiday and are ready for term 2.  

We've already had a very busy start to the term.

Here is what we have been up to...

In project we started our new Topic 'Sound and Light'.  We started by trying to answer the question 'Can you see sound?'.  Some of us thought yet and others thought no so we used some equipment to test out the answer. 

We discovered that yes you can see sound.  You can see the vibrations it makes.  We used rice and sugar on a drum, a tuning fork in water and on a ping pong ball, elastic bands and rulers. 

 We also made our own sound machines with a spoon, elastic band and string.  
This was good fun.

We also continued with our Tea Towel production.  We decided on our company name - we went with Daniel's idea of Supreme 16.  We got to work designing a company logo...

designing order forms and creating drawing packs for each class.

We made up a time table for visiting each class to get the drawings completed.  Below are some of the older pupils drawing their self portraits.  It was quite tricky as the piece of paper was really small.

Maths - Fractions

We have all been exploring fractions of shapes and numbers this week.  
The circles maths group finished the week with some fun practical activities.  
Smartie Fractions, Fraction Loto and Fraction Flags.

Halloween Fun!
On Friday we played a few fun Halloween games. In small teams we played the mummy game.  We had 4 minutes to wrap 1 member of the team up as much as possible.  The winning team was the team who had their mummy covered the most and still able to move their arms and legs.  Mummy Aimee's team won! 

We also played the Tasting Game - Naughty or Nice.

We used a randomiser to pick Naughty or Nice.  Miss Kelday then gave us a spoonful of either naughty or nice food.  It was a lot of fun!

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