Wednesday, 15 October 2014

What else have we been up to this week?
We have been revising our knowledge of french numbers.  So far we have learnt the numbers up to 20 so we decided to show off our knowledge by playing French Number Bingo.  We created our own bingo boards using whiteboards and then wrote 6 or 9 number down.  Miss Kelday then read out a number in french and if we had it (once we;d worked out what it was) then we put a counter over it.  We played a few rounds as a class, with Keith as number master, then we split into peedier groups to test out our number master skills - this meant that we had to know how to say the words as well as understand them.  We all did pretty well. 

On Friday at the Achievement assembly we most of us received our Bikeability 2 award certificates.  Mrs Leitch tested us on our skills on Wednesday and we all passed.  A couple of people were off that day so they will get a chance later in the year when the weather improves.  

Mrs Leitch wrote a personalised comment in each of the certificates so it is important that we pay attention to what it says as it may have action points for us to work on when out cycling.  

Mr Kirkpatrick, Junior Head Teacher on Friday, helped Mr McIntosh hand out the certificates at assembly on Friday.  He awarded Aaron a Golden Head Teacher award for coming first in the Scrambling. Well Done!  Aaron brought his trophies into school on Monday to show us....they were huge!  Mr McIntosh took a photo so we will hopefully get it on here soon.

We also had a visit from Radio Orkney on Friday.  They wanted to interview Daniel, Miss Kelday and Mr McIntosh about the Junior Head Teacher project.

If you missed the report on Monday - click on the link below and it will take you to the Sound Cloud.  Daniel's interview is approx 25 mins into the show.

Terrific Tea Towels

P6 have decided to set up a small enterprise company with the help of Miss Kelday.  We are hoping to raise money for the school.

We are going to be designing a tea towel for the school and will be selling them in term 2, in the run up to Christmas.  

Each pupil in the school will get to draw a picture of themself for the tea towel.  Order forms will be going home early in term 2.

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