Wednesday, 15 October 2014

Junior Head Teacher

The Election! 

On Monday 6th October, P6 was a hive of campaign activity.  This was the last chance for the 5 teams to get their message out to the rest of the school and encourage people to vote for them.  

We had powerpoints playing in the dinner hall all day, a few tannoy announcements and a frantic handing out of last minute stickers.

At 3.00pm it was time for the speeches.  The school gathered into the hall for assembly.  The 5 candidates welcomed them on arrival and had a chance to campaign one final time.

The 5 candidates gave great speeches to the rest of the school.  The other pupils in the class shared our learning within topic this term and then explained how the voting would work.

Each pupil and member of staff was given a token.  They had to put their token into the box of the person they wanted to win.  Simple!  

Most people had decided on their vote but their was a few last minute decisions! 

Miss Kelday, Mr McIntosh and Miss Shearer counted up the final votes on Monday night!  

and the winner is...


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