Week 2
Another busy week in P5.
In project this week we have been exploring evaporation and condensation. We used our knowledge about evaporation gained from the puddle experiment to make some decisions in our 'Evaporation Challenge'.
We split into 4 groups. Each group were given a container of water (400ml). We had to decide upon a place within the school to store our container and the challenge was to see which group could evaporate their water the fastest.
We considered places which were warm and got lots of sun. Our school has underfloor heating so some of the groups took this into account when choosing a location.
We started the challenge on Thursday morning and by Friday afternoon we were already making good progress.
We also explored condensation. We know that condensation is when a gas turns back into a liquid when it cools. We used our breath on chilled mirrors to create condensation and also watched a kettle boil against our classroom window.
Later in the week we learned about evaporation and condensation on a large scale - The Water Cycle.
We used a small model to demonstrate the water cycle in action. Our aim was to make rain!
We had to be patient as the desired results would take a few hours to happen - but we were VERY excited when it did happen!
Setting up the equipment. We put 250ml of water in the 'ocean' and crushed ice cubes in the cloud area. Then we shone 2 lamps over the ocean to cause evaporation. The water vapour rose and when it met the colder air (ice cubes) condensation was created and raindrop appeared.
While we waited for it to rain, we drew our own versions of the water cycle using our new vocabulary.
Finally it rained! It's hard to make it our from the photos but if you look closely you will see the raindrops forming under the cloud and then some droplets running down the land back to the 'ocean'.
Primary 5 were invited to take part in 2 club golf sessions with Michael Swanney from Active Schools. We completed session 1 on Wednesday. We learned about chipping and putting and had the chance to practise both skills. John Heddle from Stromness Golf Club came along to help us out.
Next week we will be having a go at the full swing and the week after that we have been invited to head along to the Stromness Golf Course to work with a Professional golfer from Inverness. (Friday 9th May)
Puppet Show and Workshop
Stromness Primary School were lucky to have an exciting visitor on Thursday. David is a puppeteer and he put on a great show for the whole school in the morning. Hannah took part in the story of Little Red Riding Hood. She played the Big Bad Wolf. It was really funny.
In the afternoon P4 and P5 took part in a puppet workshop with David. He taught us ventriloquism and then we took part in a puppet show of 'The Pied Piper of Hamelin'.
Problem Solving / Team Work
As part of our team building work we took part in a problem solving task which required us to work together as a group but also as a whole class. Miss Kelday created a grid on the board. We had to try and find out the secret route from start to finish without hitting any 'bombs', If we hit one we had to finish our turn and pass on to the next group. We had to use our memories to remember what the group before us did.
Great team work and memory skills shown! Well done Daniel and Anna who managed to solve the problem in 2 different ways.
Better Movers and Thinkers - 6 x table
We have been strengthening our times tables since Christmas. We have reached the 6 x table. To help us practise in a fun way we recited the 6 x table at the same time as doing a hand clap pattern. Miss Kelday has never seen everyone so engaged with their times tables before! Everyone was determined to make it from start to finish without making a mistake. We attempted filming Jayden and Anna from start to finish but we didnt quite make it - mainly due to them getting the giggles half way through! A super effort though!
Diary of a Wimpy Kid
We are getting towards the end of our Diary of a Wimpy Kid pre-event activities. This week we were looking at the first 8 books and began to make prediction about book 9, due out in November. We guessed what the new name would be, as well as colour and cartoon. Jeff Kinney will reveal book number 9 on Monday during the live web chat.
We have also completed some author research about Jeff Kinney. Groups will present their information on Monday before the web chat. We are all looking forward to it and have sent in some questions for Jeff Kinney - we hope he manages to answer them!
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