Wednesday, 12 March 2014

Pier Arts Centre Visit

All of the children at Stromness Primary School have been invited down to the Pier Arts Centre to take part in workshops relating to artwork on display.  

P5 explored some art work at the gallery which is made from everyday materials such as cardboard, wood, household paint and plaster. 

We looked more closely at a piece of 3D artwork called 'Little Cloud'.  We then went on to make our own versions with help from Carol and Gillian who work at the Pier Arts Centre.

Exploring the Art in the Exhibition

Creating our own 'clouds' using bendy wire, toilet roll, and tape.
Here we are with our finished 'clouds'.  Conor appears to be missing...sorry Conor! 

All of our models together. 

Other things to mention...

We completed some internet and book research to find out what kind of food the Victorians ate.  
We discovered that they ate foods which were locally grown or produced. 

We also discovered a few unusual foods.  One we thought was very strange was Calves Foot Jelly!!!!

 Thank you very much to Jay's mum for bringing in a very special Victorian Item for us to look at, her Great, Great Grandmothers Wedding Dress.  We were surprised that it wasn't white but thought it was nice all the same.  

Some of the girls also tried on the corset.  It required a fair bit of breathing in!  We decided that it wouldn't have been very comfortable to wear one of these everyday! 

1 comment:

  1. P1 didn't know it was called 'Little Cloud' and thought that it might have been rope, brains or Miss Pirie's messy hair! Your little clouds look brilliant - well done.
