Friday, 17 January 2014

Another week over...

I can't believe how quickly the days are flying by.  I would like to say a huge thank you to Primary 5 for helping me settle back in to teaching and making it so enjoyable.

We have continued to work really hard this week.

What else have we been up to?


In maths we have all been learning about angles.

The Numeracy Nutters and Number Crusaders have been exploring right angles and using them to give directions.

Here we are giving an following instructions using the new language of 90 degrees (right angle).  We had great fun directing our robot partners around the classroom.

We then drew some mazes for a partner to follow.  They wrote out the correct directions from the start to the end.  We had to think really hard about our left and rights during this activity.  

We were also showing off our mental maths skills this week.  We were recapping our knowledge of adding and subtracting multiples of 10 and 100.  Miss Kelday was impressed at how well we could talk about the strategies we use to complete these calculations.


We were exploring Victorian style art this week.  We were creating our own silhouette art.  We made a start by working with a partner to draw around our shadows.  This was a bit tricky as it was hard to stay really still.  
Next we cut out and glued our templates onto black paper and cut out once more.  We mounted our silhouettes onto coloured card to finish.  

We will be displaying our finished art work in the corridor and asking the other classes to see if they can work out who is who?  

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