Monday, 12 January 2015

And more from December!!!!

Towards the end of term we got involved in a bit more craft activities.  We made some melting snowman biscuits.  We made 3 in total.  We decided to use 1 of the biscuits to give to a friend as a secret santa present.  They were yummy.

We also made some presents with clay.  Some people made name plaques and other made models.  We painted them and wrapped them up.

We explored light to round up our science topic.  We learned that white light is made up of all of the colours.  We tested this by making a colour wheel and spinning it.  It worked - we would have had to make it spin really really fast for it to go completely white but we got the general idea.
We also used blindfolds, kaleidoscopes, and coloured filters to complete other experiments.  

At the school disco there was lots of dancing!  A few of P6 even found time to have a go at the photobooth and get a few Christmassy shots.

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