Week 4
It was a very active start to week 4. We completed our second session of Tag Rugby. We were developing our passing skills and using communication within our team. We played corner catch - it was exhausting but good fun. It really taught us how important it is to work as a team.
We also had our last swimming session. We have all made improvements to our skills in swimming.
In writing today, we wrote thank you letters to our 3 local councillors who visited us last week and also to Mr Weir. We will post these later in the week once good copies have been written.
We spent time working with Mr McIntosh today, trying to decide what we can do if we win the role of Junior Head Teacher. We have come up with some good ideas which will help us with our election campaigns.
Jayden brought in a furry friend for us to see. She found this caterpillar in her garden. We were unsure as to the type of caterpillar this was and were interested to find out whether it would turn into a butterfly or moth. Jayden is going to 'grow' it at home to find out.
In the afternoon we had a visit from the Kakatsitsi African Drumming Group. They gave a whole school performance first and then P5 and P6 took part in a drumming and dancing workshop. It was great fun learning how to play the African drums. We also learnt some African dance moves - very tiring!
Miss Shearer, Miss Kelday and Mrs Bevan joined in too!
Here is a video of the full dance we learned.
(Video to follow)
Today we spent time in our election groups. Miss Kelday gave each group a maximum of £5 to spend on resources for their campaign. Mrs Shearer told us that in a real election for councillors, candidates are only allowed to spend a certain amount of money (their own) so we were following the same rules.
Miss Kelday told us how much each item would cost and we decided on what we wanted to produce to advertise our candidates.
One of the groups presented their Peer Pressure drama sketches today. The girls worked hard to demonstrate how peer pressure can happen in school and what could be done to avoid it. Well done girls!
The boys will present next week as there was a few people off today so we didn't want them to miss out.
Last week we wrote Diary Recounts and Newspaper Reports in response to our class novel - Charlie and the Chocolate Factory. Miss Kelday read all of our work and chose 4 examples for us to look at in more detail. She wrote detailed feedback for these 4 pieces but made them anonymous. We then had to read through the work and try to match up the comments to the correct person.
We really engaged with the feedback and we were able to identify the good features of each others stories. We were also able to discuss next steps.
We found this process much more useful than a small comment on each jotter.
Our Learning Journey through P6
P6 have started to keep track of key learning experiences and reflections in our Learning Journey jotters. These will be used on a regular basis and will develop as the year goes on. Each jotter will be filled with information which is unique to the pupil. I would encourage pupils to take ownership of these jotters and decide what they want to display in it.
I will make sure pupils take these learning journey jotters home on a regular basis so parents can keep up to date with our progress.
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