Sunday, 7 September 2014

Visit from local Councillors

Today we received a visit from 3 of our local Councillors, Gwenda Shearer, Jim Foubister and Harvey Johnston.

We sent emails to them last week to invite them into our class to help us with our project.

Our main aim was to gather information on:

·       1. The job/role of a Councillor in Orkney, and

2. How to organise a successful election campaign
We started with a question and answer session in which we gathered information about the job of a Councillor. 

Then we split into 3 groups. Each group was supported by one of the councillors and we had had time to ask them for advice about our election campaigns. 

One group with Councillor Jim Foubister

Another group with Councillor Harvey Johnston

The 3rd group with Councillor Gwenda Shearer

We gathered lots and lots of really useful information which will help us get underway with our campaigns.

Thank you all very much for visiting us. 

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