Thursday, 8 May 2014

Better Movers and Thinkers

P5 have been taking part in a Better Movers and Thinkers session.  This involves using our body and minds at the same time, with movements increasing in difficulty each time.  

The one we found the trickiest was clapping out a rhythm with a partner.  Sounds easy?  To add a thinking element, we then started adding in number patterns too.  For example, while clapping, 1 person would say a series of 3 numbers, then the second person had to reply with the next 3 numbers.

Even more challenging, 1 person said a colour and the other person had to spell it back to them.  Coleen and Anna took it a step further and started to spell the colours backwards!  

Making Doodle Bugs

Today we used baking as part of our writing task.  Before break we made Doodle Bugs and made notes about what happened at each stage.

After break we then began to create a set of clear instructions to explain how to make them.  Some of us chose to handwrite our instructions while others chose to use a laptop.  Some chose to record their instructions as a word document while others made powerpoints. We all worked hard though, as Miss Kelday said we could only eat the Doodle Bugs if we finished our writing!  

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