Thursday, 6 March 2014

Victorian Education Day

Primary 5 worked extremely hard on Wednesday during our Victorian Education Day.  They remained in role perfectly and made the day really worthwhile for everyone.  It was a really tough day for the children (and adults) and it makes us really glad that we learn and teach in school in 2014!  

Here are some photos and video clips from our day as Victorian Children

The day started with the Lords Prayer and a song, All Things Bright and Beautiful.
(video to follow)

We then moved on to handwriting. We had to write in pen and were not allowed to make a mistake or 'blot our copybook'.  We could only write with our right hands - this was a real challenge for Tom and Conor! 
We also read a passage from the Bible as it was Ash Wednesday. 

After a VERY strict morning we were glad it was break time.  We played traditional Victorian playground games. Including hoops, skipping and hopscotch.  Some of the boys played football too. 

After break we continued our learning with arithmetic.  We recited the times tables.  We were so worried about getting it right that we made mistakes - even with the 2 x table! (Video to follow)

If we were badly behaved or completed poor work then we were punished.  We were given the cane, finger stocks or made to stand in the corner and wear the Dunce hat.  We didn't like these punishments as much as we thought we would!  

Before lunch we completed our art lesson with Miss Thompson.  We continued with our self portraits.

Miss Stockan and Miss Nicholson made sure that we kept up with the rules during Art.  No slacking!    

After lunch break we completed Drill.  This was exhausting!  We wore our normal clothes and shoes.  
We did running, star jumps, press ups, step ups, hop scotch and squats.  We were sweating a lot and had very sore muscles at the end of it.   We were VERY glad when that was over! 

In the afternoon the girls and boys separated for their lessons.  Girls completed needlework with Miss Kelday and Miss Nicholson.  It was tricky at first but we soon got the hang of it.  Headmaster McIntosh came to inspect our work.  

The boys completed technical drawing at this time.  They were copying objects, thinking about tone and dimension.  Again they were only allowed to use their right hand.  Poor Tom and Conor! 
At the end of the day we had a group photo taken.  We were told not to smile - we took this very seriously!  

 A super day had by all, even with a few tears thrown in!  

1 comment:

  1. I think the pictures of your Victorian Day are fab!

    School wasn't great fun in those days and it's really good to see your pictures and all these solemn faces. It makes the pictures look really authentic!

    Well done!

    Mrs Miller
